OK, recently I got asked about converting.
Ugh, converting video files you know like MP4 to audio files – MP3s (Sigh) Yeah, first it’s best to understand what the hell you’re talking about so here’s some geek speek.
MP4 is a newer file format and supports video encoding.
Compared with MP3 which is older and isonly for audio files.
MP4 is a multimedia container and can technically support not just audio and video but, also text and images oh boy.
So why would you want to convert an mp4to an mp3? The most reasonable answer would be for conserving drive space.
Although smartphones and dedicated music players can handle MP4s no sweat, it’s often far easier to convert the files to mp3 to lighten their footprint.
I mean really, if what you want to do is listen to the audio you certainly can talk about the unnecessary excess baggage! Ahh and this one cracks my ass up.
No matter what anybody tells you, changing the file extension from mp4 to mp3 in Windows Explorer is not I repeat not converting the file.
It’s just renaming it.
It might work in apinch, but you still have this huge-ass file and all you really need or want is the Damned audio.
Okay so enough talk already let’s convert the files for free.
In the App Store for windows 8 or 10, you really should move up to 10, you need to search up “mp4 to mp3”
First you want to make sure your system meets requirements.
Most likely it does, but it never hurts to check.
Click “Get the App” and it will take you to the download page in the App Store.
Click”Free” Gotta love free! Then when it’s done installing click “Open”.
It doesn’t take long to install and it’s so easy to use, you’ll think you messed up.
Simply select the video and it will start converting and saving it to another pre-selected folder.
Now if you don’t like the folder the program shows – change it – before you convert any files.
But once you’re happy with the folders, select your video and watch out fast it starts converting it right away and save it to another folder without losing your original.
So simple even us old farts can do it.
Now there are other free converters out there, but this one is by far the simplest and quickest and since it comes from my billionaire buddy Bill Gates, I’m reasonably certain that doesn’t have any viruses or malware.